


labOS hacklab is a community of “makers”, programmers and people who like to hack devices – hardware hackers.
We are a section of the Informatics Club “Osijek”, and we have organized a series of youth education in the form of interactive lectures and workshops with open technologies, open hardware and open software.

Our idea is to combine more professional areas in order to facilitate great learning experiences for our members, ie through workshops and “do-it-yourself” projects, we are combining knowledge and skills in the fields of robotics, automation, electronics, programming, modeling, 3D printing, Linux, computer networks, art (art, photography, etc.) and designs (smart clothing, analog-generative design, VJ-ing, etc.).

Lectures and workshops are conducted by domestic and foreign lecturers, instructors, hackers and artists. Through interactive lectures and workshops, we gather Osijek’s younger citizens who have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills and perfect the existing ones.


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